Join 1000s of Investors from around the world and build a Globally Diversified Investment Portfolio at the click of a button. We’ve made it simple for you to start, manage and monitor your investments all from your secure account. Simply invest and earn income paid directly to your secure account. We offer a safe and compliant solution for Investors globally.

Smart technology backed up by our expertise in global compliance means we’ve taken care of the hassle and red tape. This is the age of safe and transparent global investing.

Joining Wealth Migrate is completely free of charge. Fees are only paid at the point of a transaction – whenever money moves through our system. There are no automatic annual fees or assets under management fees. For every deal we will clearly state the fees that apply for you as an individual investor.

When investing in Wealth Migrate investment opportunities, you can potentially earn quarterly income which is paid directly to your account. You can easily withdraw your income or reinvest to build your portfolio.

Wealth Migrate offers the fastest and easiest way to assemble and manage a diversified portfolio. Each investor has a personal portfolio that shows investment positions across all your investments – all in one place.

Investing has never been simpler or faster than it is on our marketplace!

Asset Classes We Offer

"After a lot of research, and extensive due diligence, it was a no-brainer for me to partner with Wealth Migrate. Using the Wealth Migrate platform enables me to leverage off of competent partner on the ground and this gives me access to first world assets , without the headaches."
-Nkandu Chitah-
"So , what's it like being a Wealth Migrate Partner? You get exposed to great insights on how real estate works, and a huge amount of information around FinTech. From great webinars and meetings to connecting with like-minded people, my journey with Wealth Migrate over the past 4-5 years has been phenomenal."
-Petro Magos-
"If you want to invest or are hestitating, now is the time. We have done investments thorugh Wealth Migrate from about 2012 and have only experienced professional help from the team and have made good investments."
-Lizette Steyn-

Invest Today for a Better Tomorrow

Lemonway is a payment institution regulated by the French Prudential Supervision And Resolution Authority (ACPR) under number 16568 since 2012

Wealth Migrate Limited is a juristic rep under the FCA in the UK.

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