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Fees & Costs
What is a Base Fee?
The base fee is what we earn as Wealth Migrate. This covers our operations, your transactions on the platform, and the ongoing development of our tech.
What is a Structure Fee?
Structure Fees are specifically charged to cover the costs of setting up and maintaining dedicated Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV’s) for each deal that enable us to do transborder global investing. Without these structures, we are not able to provide you with the most simple, hassle free, cost and tax efficient investing.
What is the Regional Compliance or Marketing Fee?
As a global marketplace, we operate in many different countries, each with different rules for marketing to investors. In many instances we will work through partners on the ground that are licensed by their government regulators, or work with marketing partners, or perhaps your own financial advisors.
What are the fees involved in investing through the Wealth Migrate platform?
Joining Wealth Migrate is completely free of charge. We prioritise minimising fees, and making sure our fees are transparent to you the investor. So here is a clear look at the fees we charge investors, what they are for and how we are focusing on saving you money.