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How do I withdraw funds from my wallet?

To withdraw your money from your wallet, please follow the steps as explained in detail below:

  1. Log into your profile on the Wealth Migrate platform and make sure you are viewing the correct entity bearing in mind that you may have more than one KYC Approved entity on the platform. Each of your entities will have its own profile and wallet.  You can make sure you are viewing the platform as the right entity by checking the entity type and the name of the entity in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the wallet icon in the sidebar navigation on the left-hand side of the screen. This will redirect you to the wallet page.
  3. Click on the Withdraw Funds button in the upper right corner of the page just below the profile icon.  An additional screen will then slide out from the right displaying your current Available Wallet Balance.
  4. Enter the amount you would like to withdraw. Keep in mind that you will not be able to withdraw funds that have already been reserved for an investment.
  5. Next, you will be required to review and confirm your bank account details to ensure that the funds are transferred to the correct bank account. Click on the two tick boxes to confirm that your details are correct and that you give Wealth Migrate authorization to initiate the withdrawal on your behalf. Should your bank account details no longer be the same as the details displayed on the screen, you need to exit the withdrawal process by clicking the link provided.  You will then be required to update your bank account details under Stage 4 of your profile.  Your account will then be resubmitted for KYC verification and once KYC approved you will be able to start the withdrawal process again, following steps 1–5 as detailed above.
  6. Click on Continue to finalise your withdrawal request.

When successful, a success screen confirming your withdrawal request submission will appear. 

The withdrawal process usually takes between2-5 working days to complete. During that time, you will not be able to use the funds you have requested to withdraw for any investments. Once the process has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email.

Please note that there are no fees associated with the withdrawal of funds other than banking fees and/or charges from the bank receiving your funds.

For any withdrawal, related queries or assistance kindly contact our support team via email at