Wealth Migrate
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Complete your profile for your company and get KYB verified
Resources > Accounts
Step 1:
- Once signed into your account, navigate to the top-right-hand corner, click on your name, to “create another entity” and then select “company” in the drop-down menu.
Step 2:
Complete the entity’s profile in four (4) stages and upload your KYB (Know Your Business) documents in step 5, “upload documents”:
- (1) Select country of incorporation.
- (2) Complete the company’s basic information.
- Note that you will need to provide a unique email address on Step 2 of the business profile setup process. This email address must be different to the one you supplied during signup. The sign up email address and the email used for your personal entity must be the same.
- You must verify this email address in order to invest through this entity.
- (3) Complete the company’s physical address.
- (4) Complete the company’s bank details and physical address.
In section 5, the following documents will be required to upload into your entity’s profile. We recommend having these documents ready, if applicable to your company:
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- Articles of Association.
- Proof of Shareholding.
- Proof of Identity for each shareholder with 25% or more shareholding and for primary contact person.
- Confirmation of bank account in the form of a recent Bank Statement in the name of the entity investing.
Click on the ‘Save & submit’ button at the top-right-hand corner of the page to place your profile to ‘pending verification’. Once your completed company profile has been submitted and the relevant documents have been received by our KYB Team, the preliminary cross-reference checks will be conducted. If in order, your profile will be submitted to our wallet service provider for verification. This can take 48 hours to be processed.
You will receive an automated email once your profile has been verified and your KYC status will change from red to green on the platform, confirming that you are now verified and able to fund your wallet remotely.